!["The Bachelor" Viewing Party on Kara's Party Ideas | KarasPartyIdeas.com (28)]()
"Ladies"! Looking for a lavish party to sweat and steam over?! Well get ready, cause this party is coming in hot!
Submitted and styled by Vienna Sparrow of
Sparrow Photography, this
"Bachelor" Viewing Party is full of romantic and sweet details for you to swoon over!
From the rose covered party spread to the custom sweets and treats, the following party elements make this party a special treat:
- Green rose garland
- Strawberry champagne doughnuts
- Tuxedo strawberries
- Ring popcorn boxes
- "The Bachelor" viewing lounge
- Bachelor phrased t-shirts, glasses, and wine labels
- Beautiful rose cake topped with a glitter topper
- Rose cupcakes